19 August 2012

Thrush maestros

First, the veery thrush.

Here's what he looks like:

And here is its song. 

Veery by jh955

Sounds like a typical bird call, doesn't it?  But the metabolism of birds, especially songbirds, are higher than humans. Listen to the veery again, slowed to 1/10 speed:

Once again, the veery (for the slower species):

Veery slowed down by jh955

Next up - the wood thrush.

Wood thrush
Wood Thrush

Here's his song. It's about two minutes long. Listening for 20-30 seconds is probably good enough.

Woodthrush -full speed by jh955

Songbirds like the wood thrush have two voice boxes (syrinxes), one for each lung that they can utilize at the same time.

In the audio file that follows, the wood thrush's song is not only slowed down, it's split apart. 

First, you will hear the song being generated by the left syrinx, which typically handles lower pitches. This will be followed immediately by the song generated by the right syrinx. Finally, you will hear them synced together, which is how the wood thrush sings his song. 

Woodthrush-1 10 speed -left -right -synced by jh955

These little guys can sing!

1 comment:

  1. !!!! oh my wow.
    This made my day, blew my mind.
